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Leasing Companies

ADVOCATENKANTOOR FILIP van BERGEN has built up extensive experience and specialised knowledge in the leasing sector. In this niche, leasing companies are confronted with problems that are specific to their industry, so that specialised legal knowledge about this growing sector is essential, for example:

  • Drafting and periodical updating of the general conditions for the leasing company, as a result of changes in the law.

  • Management of receivables, both B2B and B2C.

  • Legal proceedings, both B2B and B2C.

  • Legal advice relating to legal obligations in the field of traffic legislation.

  • Police court appearances.

  • Identification obligations of article 67ter of the Road Traffic Act.

  • Release of confiscated vehicles.

  • Obtaining compensation as a result of damage caused to vehicles.

  • Follow-up of lessees in financial difficulties.






Avocatenkantoor Filip van Bergen

Lange Leemstraat 55

B-2018 Antwerpen



Mob: +32 (0) 477 87 15 26

Tel: +32 (0)3 206 60 00


Office bank account: IBAN BE08 6451 0409 8213 (Bank J. Van Breda & C°)

Third party bank account: IBAN BE43 6304 0052 6601 (ING)

Legal info:​​

- General conditions

- Privacy policy


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